UI Attribute Manager Issue


Active member
Unity 2019.4.28f1 LTS | Opsive Third Person Controller 2.3.2 2.3.5 (I updated to the latest version)
I'm running into an issue with the Attribute Manager (Health) loading the Player0 instead Player1. I'm using playmaker to create the Player GameObject prefab into the scene. It only seems that it happens with the Health and Shield only but the other UI elements are working.

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I haven't seen this behavior before but the easiest way to debug this is to put a breakpoint within CharacterMonitor.OnAttachCharacter. This will allow you to see exactly what is calling that method so you can determine what should no longer be called.
Does creating Camera Prefabs for the two characters have anything to do with this issue? I'm using Playmaker to create the two character prefabs, create 2 cameras (Left and Right), then assign the characters to the cameras. I also updated the UCC version to 2.3.5 instead of 2.3.4 due to another issue as I messaged you about.
OnAttachCharacter is called by the OnCameraAttachCharacter event, which gets executed by CameraController, so this could indeed be an issue with having 2 separate CameraControllers in your scene. Are you using "Init Character On Awake" on your CameraControllers, with the right character assigned to each?
Okay, I figured out a solution. At first I was spawning the characters in then enabling the UI with the health bars. I swapped it around the UI was already enabled and spawned the characters in then assigned them. That seemed to fix the issue.
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