UCC + Puppet Master + Final IK FBBIK Grounder not working together

Keegan O

New member
I'm excited to have Puppet Master and Final IK FBBIK Grounders working for my UCC characters but they don't seem to work together. I have been trying everything to get these all three to work together, but no dice.

To confirm, I successfully set up Puppet Master + a FBBIK Grounder on a non UCC character and it works swimmingly.

When I set up a Puppet Master UCC character as per the integration documentation, Puppet Master and UCC work great together.
And when I then add Full Body Biped IK to that character, it seems to work on its own in terms of being able to use the effectors as expected.

But when I add a Grounder Full Body Biped IK to the character, it does not function unless I turn off Puppet Master.

I have tried many things, but cannot get them to work together like they do on non UCC characters.

Non-UCC character with Puppet Master and a Grounder working well in the Puppet Master PuppetExtended scene (I added it myself to make sure the steps I was taking were right):

My own UCC character (well, using the Puppet Master dummy FBX this time for perfect cleanliness to ensure it wasn't anything wrong with my own actual FBX), with the grounder:

I created that UCC character with Puppet Master and it works great, but when I turn on Puppet Master, the grounder no longer functions:
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There shouldn't be anything within the PuppetMaster integration that messes with FinalIK as the two integrations are not aware of each other. Within the FinalIKBridge component if you remove the manual ticking of GrounderIK does it work? Have you gotten FinalIK working without PuppetMaster?
Not sure how to do that, as I see no references to GrounderIK in FinalIKBridge.cs

But yes, Final Ik and the Grounder work just fine (well, the grounder IK is more twitchy with UCC than without, but it mostly works fine) with UCC if I simply disable Puppet Master (by de-activating the PuppetMaster game object on the character).
This is the FinalIKBridge.cs I got through the 'Ultimate Character Controller' FinalIK integration package from the Opsive website-- perhaps there is a mistake with this one and it's missing some of the third person controller functionality?
You have the right component. I really thought that GrounderIK was updated at a similar rate as the other components. Maybe it is FullBodyBipedIK that updates the GrounderIK? You could try removing the references to FullBodyBipedIK within FinalIKBridge and seeing if that works. This sounds like an execution order problem.
That did seem to do it-- I don't know what I may have broken in the process, but I used my artist coding skills to comment out that stuff and then put back one thing that threw errors, I attached what the script looks like now.

There's the UCC character with Puppet Master working, plus the grounder working and the Final IK effector working. Huzzah.
I suppose I'll just leave my script like this for now? (Thanks for the help, too)


  • FinalIKBridge.cs
    18.2 KB · Views: 25
Trying to setup FinalIK groudner with Puppermaster but its not working, i know ther was someone who had this same issue and fixed it by commenting something from FinalIKBrridge, what is it that i have to edit from that script to ge tthis to work?
The integration wasn't built with both PuppetMaster and FinalIK so I haven't test that yet. In the meantime I would go with the script from the post above until I can add proper support.
Hey, Justin, I also have made a modification to the FinalIKBridge, some time ago, that allows the character to dual wield weapons with final ik ( aim ik ), I am now adding this mod and will probably look over it in detail, if you want we can sync up on discord and show you the changes we made to the script
What modification did you make? If you can post it here that would be great!
I added a secondary aim IK solver, that is used only when 2 aim ik components are present on the character which allows the character to dual wield, i named de variable s_AimIK, and set the solver to search for the left hand tag1607517770920.png

all details can be found here https://opsive.com/forum/index.php?...-for-dual-wield-pistols-smgs.2786/#post-14431

i also atached the modified final IK bridge, but I am hoping to uncomment the full body biped ik and make-it work as it should, you mentioned something about execution order, if you could give me some details maybe I can fix-it and send the final version (if you are happy with the way I structured my code )


  • FinalIKBridge.cs
    19.4 KB · Views: 6