UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls


as can be seen from the screenshot my character is getting stuck on a vertical wall, I have tried everything i can think of( physic materials, all setting son the UCC editor windows etc)

what is the solution?
It's tough to see what's going on from that screenshot. Are you running the latest version? If so and you can send me a repro scene along with the steps to reproduce that would be great.
Hey Justin, I haven't updated the UCC in a few months due to a concern about it breaking my project (even though i know it probably wouldn't, saying that it has done this since i got the UCC but i just never got around it trying to fix it).
Repo scene-wise it won't be possible as the game is launch ready and im not sure how to package just one scene up.

From playing around with the settings and doing lots of tests myself it seems to be an issue with what the controller is considering (grounded) and then its sticking to it, I know the base unity controller had a setting called "shell offset" which seemed to fix this issue when using the base fps controller,

** important , it only does it on mesh colliders

What are your thoughts?
There have been a lot of collision improvements in the later versions so it's extremely hard to say without stepping through the code. Unfortunately I don't think that I'll be able to help too much unless you are able to reproduce it with the latest version.
what aspects have been improved that you think could be the offending piece of code?
you must have some inclination as to what it could be(somewhere we could start atleast), i would really appreciate your assistance as its a pretty bad bug and kills our games movement end of things.

Just throwing some ideas out here

is there a way to push the player from walls slightly (like the wall bounce variable that is on the controller)?
maybe have that activated all the time?
These type of bugs vary from the collision detection to an ability issue so there's no one location that I start in. Generally I get the character in a state that I can reliably reproduce it and then I set a breakpoint within CharacterLocomotion.Move and see where it goes that it shouldn't be going. I wish that there was a better answer but unless I am able to reproduce it I just don't have any idea of what is causing it.
ok that's a tough one,
regarding the wall bounce and wall glide variable, are they any use in this case?
i have tried altering the values but they have no effect ( ive tried against different typed of colliders also)
the main issue is with the mesh colliders
Hey guys, to anyone having this issue, you need to go into your the locomotion script and modify the m_skinwdith value to a positive number rather than a negative one, and it fixes the issue, around 0.1f works well .
This virtual beer is for you! Cheers!

I dont know how you did it but I changed the Skin Width value in Ultimate Character Locomotion in the inspector.
Basically because my game was literally ready to ship, I couldnt alter the skin width via the inspector without changing how the more player movement felt so pretty much i dynamically change the value based on the players state :)