twisted, off center arms

The arms are positioned using the Position/Rotation Offset on the First Person Perspective Item. Have you tried adjusting these values?
Yes. I can move the arms around using that but the real problem is the arms position and rotation relative to each other. It doesn't seem to be so horrible until my characters first attack when it transitions to the fighting stance.
Tried other models created from fps mesh and same issue.

I'm wondering if this is just the result of using the firstpersoncontrollerdemo animator, and it's just sticking the arms in the aiming animation after the first swing or something.
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I had the same problem.
It worked out "ok" once I added the 2nd and third Animator States and completed the combo. For some reason when I just used the one attack it constantly shifted the arms and rotated stangely. If you mean the hand is not as far out as with the Nolan model, I believe that is a result of using a different animator/ animation for the arms than the one he is using. I have the same issue but I believe could be cleared up editing the animation.

Looks like we are having a lot of the same issues. I kinda put this one on the burner to figure out later along with the Bow problem. This looks like a good asset but it still seems to have a lot of issues I can't resolve. If you figure this out or the Bow aiming figured out please let me know.
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The left hand and the right hand shares the same object, correct? Are you using an animation included with the controller? For example I just tried attacking with the sword and the left hand stayed in the same position.
Tried other models created from fps mesh and same issue.

I'm wondering if this is just the result of using the firstpersoncontrollerdemo animator, and it's just sticking the arms in the aiming animation after the first swing or something.
I had the same problem. When I set the "View Type" to "First Person Combat" by default, the character will not lift the gun after starting the game, unless I press the "left/right mouse button".

I have tried many ways and have not solved this problem.
The left hand and the right hand shares the same object, correct? Are you using an animation included with the controller? For example I just tried attacking with the sword and the left hand stayed in the same position.

They do share the same object and I haven't added any of my own animations, just the default swing. If the fps mesh tool guy will let you try his asset you will be able to reproduce this with any model and then maybe it can be resolved. I've tried three different models and it's happened with every one.
Can you create a video of how you setup the first person arms? I was able to create a FPS Mesh which has separate arms/head, but was not able to separate out just the arms for a first person view.
Can you create a video of how you setup the first person arms? I was able to create a FPS Mesh which has separate arms/head, but was not able to separate out just the arms for a first person view.


Showed the entire setup and how the arms are positioned strangely even using Nolan. Not sure if its the character controller or the fps mesh rig. Thanks a lot for taking a look. I appreciate it.
@Justin Thanks. when I try to open the fpcscene I get "Failed to import package with error: Couldn't decompress package"

I'm using unity version 2018.2.17f1

Hard to tell since it's only a few seconds long, but looking at the video it seems you're having the same problem. It's not the attack animation that's the problem. It's the position of the left arm relative to the right and the inability to adjust them to a point that works like your tutorial videos. Why is the left arm so much further out than the right in this case but if you look at the tutorial, it's nothing like that?

In your first person view in that^ example video, you put the camera so far forward that you can't see the hand or sword until the attack. Obviously I don't want to do that and I don't think anyone else will either. I want it to look like your tutorial example where you can see the hand and sword while you aren't attacking and when you attack you don't see an empty shoulder.
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Ah, yeah, this package does require 2018.3.

The adjustment is more of a pain because you are using humanoid animations for the arms. The pivot point is way at the feet so I had to set the First Person Perspective Item's Position Offset to (0, -1.8, 0) in order for it to be more visible on the screen. Because you are using the humanoid animations though you don't have as fine grain control over the location of the left and right arms - for this particular view you do need the left arm to come in a bit more in order for it to properly be seen by the camera and that's where having dedicated first person animations help.

If you edit the humanoid animations to move the arm in a bit and then use those animations for first person. I'm not sure what modeling program allows for this but I have heard of people using UMotion. I wish that there was a better answer than this but since the generic animator doesn't support retargetting there really isn't a better way.
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Thanks Justin.

So to use this asset for first person melee games, we need either first person animations custom built for this asset (or maybe just for first person in general) or a model set up just like nolan that can use your FirstPersonDemo animator?

Edit: If so, how hard would it be to plug in an asset like this:

I can't find any like that meant for unity and I don't have the skillset to create animations or models myself so I'm out of options if I can't use something like that.. in which case I can't use this asset unfortunately.
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You have three options:

- Modify the humanoid animations to fit better with the first person arms.
- Create new animations that specifically work with your first person arms.
- Purchase animations off of the Asset Store that work with the included first person arms. For this video that I created for Unity I used the FPS Weapons asset and I could use all of the animations included in that asset.

This isn't really a restriction of the controller, you're going to run into the same problem no matter what character controller you use. It relates more to the fact that the Animator is more picky over what animations are used for generic rigs.

I haven't used Unreal much and have never purchased anything off of their marketplace so I don't know what format the animations are in, but in theory if they work in Unity then it should work. The trick is that for generic models you need to get animations that match the rig of your model, so you'd have to use the same model that is included with the Sword & Shield asset if you want it to work.
You have three options:

- Modify the humanoid animations to fit better with the first person arms.
- Create new animations that specifically work with your first person arms.
- Purchase animations off of the Asset Store that work with the included first person arms. For this video that I created for Unity I used the FPS Weapons asset and I could use all of the animations included in that asset.

This isn't really a restriction of the controller, you're going to run into the same problem no matter what character controller you use. It relates more to the fact that the Animator is more picky over what animations are used for generic rigs.

I haven't used Unreal much and have never purchased anything off of their marketplace so I don't know what format the animations are in, but if they work in Unity then in theory it should work. The trick is that for generic models you need to get animations that match the rig of your model, so you'd have to use the same model that is included with the Sword & Shield asset if you want it to work.

Thank you buddy. I think this makes sense. Was maybe unreasonable of me to expect this to work without figuring out the animations/model myself - just wasn't clear to me since I'm just getting into game development.
Thank you buddy. I think this makes sense. Was maybe unreasonable of me to expect this to work without figuring out the animations/model myself - just wasn't clear to me since I'm just getting into game development.
I hope that Unity will eventually bringe the animator retargeting feature over to generic rigs - it really would make things a lot easier. Each generic rig is different though so you'd have to somehow map one bone to another and that the animations are structured properly for it.
If you put the Arms mesh in another game object you should be able to change the pivot point. I set my pivot point right between the shoulders.
Thanks - I just tried it and was able to have the split meshes. When I tried it the arms attacked correctly - a video of it is below. I've also attached the scene that I used so you can compare.

First Person Controller Scene:
Ultimate Character Controller scene:

Hi, Justin. I watched your video and it looks like you got the same problem. If you look at your video carefully, you will find that the character's arm is put down after the game starts. The arm will return to its normal position only if you press the attack button at least once. Then the position of the arm will always be correct. To put it simply, for the FPS Mesh arm, the abnormal position is actually the third-person "idle" animation state, while the normal position is the third-person "weapon idle" animation.

I have been researching this problem for a long time, and I am almost certain that this is an issue with animation state transitions. Because if I set the "View Type" to "Third Person Adventure" by default, and then press the V key to switch to the "First Person view", there is no problem with the arm position, which means that the arm will remain "weapon idle" animation.

This problem only occurs after starting the game when the "View Type" is set to "First Person Combat" by default.
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That relates to how the humanoid animator controller is setup. The FirstPersonDemo animator is different than the humanoid Demo animator controller and since the humanoid version wasn't setup to be used as a first person arms animator it'll require some adjustment.

For your game I recommend creating the animator controller from scratch. The animator controller that is included in the demo scene works well for the demo scene but it may not be the best setup for your particular game. By starting from scratch you ensure that only the necessary states/transitions are needed. The controller doesn't care what the animator structure looks like, just as long as it has all of the same parameters.