Third Person SideView Movement Help


New member
I am looking to use the Third Person Controller in a side-view, almost like a 2D side-scroller, but with limited depth along the z axis. I found the best Movement Type might be the 'Top-Down'. I have a custom camera to keep the camera in a 'Look At' position and follow the player along the X axis. The player moves nicely along the X and Z axis with the Third Person Character Controller; however, I'm looking to have the player actually rotate and turn around when the player inputs different directions. Currently, the player is locked looking in the original player's direction (see image). Is there a way to allow the character to rotate with the WASD input using the Third Person Character Controller?

Any help is appreciated!
Screenshot 2023-05-23 103726.jpg
To clarify: I want player rotation to not be dependent on the camera since my camera rotation is fixed. I want the player to rotate with the WASD inputs.
I actually was able to work through this by using the Pseudo3D Movement and Camera. For the Movement, I enabled the 'Allow Depth Movement' and 'Look In Move Direction'. This allowed my player to still use the Z axis and have the character rotate towards the input direction.
Screenshot 2023-05-23 123530.jpg

Additionally, I wanted the character's head to remain looking in the direction of the input as well, I didnt want it to be looking around with the mouse/controller, so on the Character IK component, I changed the 'Look At Clamp Weight' to be 1. The other variables on this component were left as their defaults.
On the 'Ultimate Character Locomotion' Component on the main Player's GameObject, I also disabled 'Aim" for the Item Abilities. And on the 'PlayerCharacterInput' child GameObject, I changed the Horizontal and Vertical Look Input Names for the Mouse and Controller to be 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical', respectively. When these were their default values, this was turning the player when clicking the 'Aim' button.

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