The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class.


New member
I have frequently this error in the editor with my projects using UCC. It's not blocking but it's very annoying :)
It appears when I select any object having an UCC MonoBehavior : Camera, Game, Character and any sub-object of the Character.
Errors messages do no appear when I reselect the object later, until I reopen the project.

Here is a short video:

Unity 2021.3.15, BiRP, UCC 3.0.3
Is your inspector in debug mode? If you switch it to normal mode that message should go away. It's a bug in the Unity editor - the m_GameObject is a private variable so it's not serialized.
Well done :)(y)
I permanently have two Inspectors open, one normal and one debug.
(I'll keep them and ignore the error messages)
Thank you @Justin