Storage display panel can't get DisplayPanelManager


I copy ShopMenu, UpgradeMenu and StorageMenu from demo inventory canvas, and change the PanelManagerIndex and ClientInventoryIdentifierIndex in XXXXMenuOpener to match my own InventoryCanvas and player inventory id, also change the other settings to make the menus work.
All goes well except for StorageMenu, it seems like that the DisplayPanel of storage can't get the DisplayPanelManager.
I checked multiple times and I'm sure that the settings between these menus are the same.
I can't figure out which step was wrong.

The storage menu in demo works well.



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Hummm... Interesting.
Usually I would advise people to createtheir UI using the UI Designer Editor, but even if you copy paste the panels from the demo this particular error shouldn't happen. Just to be clear there aren't any errors before this right?

The only way m_Manager could be null is if the Setup function was never called.
The Setup function is called by the DisplayPanelManager on all its DisplayPanel children.
Is it possible you put the Storage Menu in another canvas? If it's not the child of the panel manager it won't be setup correctly.
Or perhaps you are trying to open the panel before it is Setup... but that would be weird since the DisplayPanelManager does it on Awake or once the player is spawned (if spawned after the UI).

On line 129 of the DisplayPanelManager try adding a debug.log to see the names of all the panels you are setting up and make sure that the Storage Menu is part of it.