Start Stop Ability Not Repsonding


I have a Start/Stop ability in my behavior tree. The ability fires but the character doesn't run. I have the ability type set to speed change and the ability is enabled on my character. I have root motion enabled in the Ultimate Character Locomotion script as my walk/run animations are root motion. I have the same animations that are not root motion. Should I use those?

What would cause the Horizontal/Forward movement values not changing to 2?

I have 1 character who is using the Behavior tree from the third person combat demo scene, which successfully runs.
I have another character with a Behavior tree that I created and it will not run. The Horizontal/Forward movement values stay at 1.
The values will move to 2 when the speed change ability is active and the character moves.
It appears that when you call speed change before Flee, it will not work but if you call Flee then speed change, it works.
@Justin In my case, Start stop ability task return success but AI agent don't run as Speed Change ability doesn't active.
AI agent is seeking the player, but he is walking. Check screenshots attached.


If I Change Start Type to 'Automatic' in Speed Change ability, still AI agent don't run
Speed Change ability does not activate! I don't know why
I would debug this by placing a breakpoint within StartStopAbility.OnUpdate and seeing what condition prevents it from starting.