SetTrigger node is setting the trigger *many* times rather than once.

This video shows the behavior in its entirety. You can skip to 48sec to see the console logging of the trigger being set again & again.

What I need is the node to set the trigger exactly once, then move to the next node. Based on the tree and the node's code, this looks to be what should be happening, but it's setting the trigger many times. How can I get it to set the trigger exactly once, then move on?

Thank you,
You have a repeater so whenever all of the tasks return success it will run again. If you only want the trigger to run once you should remove it from the branch that is repeated.
It should repeat, but only once per loop. There are "seek" and "wait" nodes to the left of the "SetTrigger" node. So my intention is that the behavior seeks, then once it reaches the target, it waits for a few seconds, then the SetTrigger should fire *once* and loop back to the beginning of the sequence ("Seek"). This is all happening as expected, but the SetTrigger doesn't set it just once, as you can see in the console. It sets it many times.