Remote players not spawning?


having a strange issue - remote players are connecting fine, and I can see the host player spawn into the scene (and sync), but the local player does not spawn on the remote client? Any ideas? I'm just using the default singlecharacterspawnmanager to spawn the characters?

Not sure what's going on. (v3 ucc, latest packages from asset store)
Unless I'm missing something, I don't see how remote players get spawned at all?

SpawnManagerBase has a Start() method that calls SpawnPlayer(PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer), but then SpawnPlayer() immediately exits if it isn't the master client?

Not sure what's going on or how this is supposed to work?

2024-05-24 09_47_02-DystopiaPunk.Client – SpawnManagerBase.cs.png
Have you tried reproducing this in a fresh project? I just tried and the character was spawned on both instances.

The remote players are spawned from the PlayerInstantiation event. This event is sent from the SpawnManagerBase and received within OnEvent.
I ended up just writing my own spawning logic, but I think I missed something.

Players spawn properly but their animation isn't sync'd properly until the character does a 'jump' or crouch' - basically something besides basic locomotion movement.

IS there a specific event that I need to fire to kick off the character state sync? Going through the spawn manager events to make sure I'm firing everything relevant...
Are you subclassing the SpawnManagerBase? If so you'll need to make sure the PlayerInstanation/RemotePlayerInstantiationComplete events are called. This will make sure everything is registered.

If you're not then make sure the OnPlayerEnteredRoom event is called. PunCharacter registers for this event to synchronize the initial state.