PUN AI Demo Scene Body Attack Issue


New member
I have the problem that the client gets around twice the damge from a body attack from the AI. I tested it also on the demo scene and replaced the assault rifel with body. Everytime the client player gets hit it is twice the damage than the master player. The body is the one from the Add-Ons/Multiplayer/PhotonPUn/Demo/Inventory/PunItemCollection.asset.
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Thanks for the report, I'll take a look for the next PUN update :) If you want to look into it yourself I would start by placing a breakpoint within Health.Damage and seeing why the damage method is called multiple times. Is the RPC being sent twice?
The Damage RPC is called twice. On the Client Side the Damage function is called twice. It is also always the same colider that starts the damage and to the same time. I hope this helps