Paid Work Requests


Staff member
There have been a few threads where somebody is looking for paid help with their project. These threads always get buried so their visibility goes away.

If you have a paid position available related to the Ultimate Character Controller feel free to post the details in this thread.

Edit: We also have a limited number of consulting hours available. Take a look at the bottom of the FAQ for our rates.
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That'd be awesome, I love to see what the price of some help in setting up advanced features of the product might be =)
Hey there,

I'm new to Opsive and how the character controller works!
It would be awesome if I could have 2 - 4 hours over team viewer and discord voice chat to ask questions and tips on how I can properly use this system.
Looking for some help with creating an animator controller for my character to work with the Ultimate Character Controller parameters - I have a character with a bunch of animations. I can create a basic controller for movement but other than that Im lost.

Let me know your rates

Looking for someone to complete set up opsive TPS with my character model, weapons, pick ups health etc. The full set up. Then send back to me in unity.
Looking for someone to convert a sprite-sheet to a model. Need a fully rigged model that plays nice with UCC. Bonus for first person arms.

The forum-avatar I am using is 1 frame from one of the sprite-sheets for example.

Just the one for a prototype. If quality is good, I have 6 plus another 3 for another game.

Private message me for specific details.
Looking for someone to guide me through (teamviewer+discord voice) in setting up ultimate opsive with my character and weapons animations.
Ive noticed that this thread isnt very active but I wanted to throw this out there anyway, if there is anyone on the forums who has created some advanced abilities that extend the agility pack, such as free climbing, wall running, etc, id love to discuss a price to have you help script the abilities and set them up for me. Thanks ?
Hello Opsive Forum,

I'm looking to hire a programmer to build a multiplayer game with UFPS,
I don't believe this is a very extensive project with using this assest.
I'm familiar with Unity, just not to the point of having everything working seamlessly,
so I'm looking to drop $25/hour on whoever is willing to help me pull my concept together.

I won't go into all the details in this post, but here are the core elements of what you would be working on:
1) Setting up gameplay for a multiplayer arena
2) PUN networking with matchmaking
3) Main Menu UI
4) Ranking & Leaderboard
5) Weapons/Player balancing
6) integrating microtransactions
7) Creating about 5 Small Maps using Unity assets

If interested please email me at

Thank you for your interest!
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I'm trying to be constructive here so no offense GrayFoxz. Its going to cost you $30,000 or more to hire someone to do those things on that list.
Could probably pull it off for 30k finding a guy that doesn't live in the western area of the world.
Well, like I said, I am familiar with Unity. Most of the work is armor/gun skin swapping or asset importing for someone who has a source for what is pretty close to a standard FPS engine. My biggest issue is UI and networking, which UFPS has plugins for anyways, I just don't have the experience with it yet.

The offer is still open.
I posted this pretty late, then overnight I can agree with Shadowing that the price for project is way too low.
I had picked up this figure from Fiverr, which $1K was on the higher end of what it would cost to complete this project,
however, like he said, this turned out to be a outsource from a foreign country.

I've changed the pay for the project to $25/hour.

This project could take 40, 80, or 200 hours to complete. My budget is open to see it through from beginning to end.
I'd say 25/hour is right for eastern world pay. Lot of my out source graphics work is done at 25 an hour. 45/hour for western. No way a experience coder can do the things on that list in 200 hours. More like 480 hours.

Might want to wait until Justin finishes porting his death match extension.

This is for OG UFPS. Need option for vp_MuzzleFlash.cs to use a particle system. $50 via PayPal. Reach out or reply here with any questions. To test with, the free War FX asset has particle muzzle flashes. Thank you.


We're currently working on a Sci Fi 3rd Person shooter game and we decided to settle with Opsive Ultimate Character Controller to tackle the project. We need a reliable and skilled individual for a limited time in order to create an animator controller created from scratch that would take care of our specific needs.

The right candidate should be able to:
  • identify the abilities required inside the project (We already came up with with what the index might look like but we might have forgotten or overlooked something)
  • identify the item and item abilities required inside the project (We already came up with with what the index might look like but we might have forgotten or overlooked something)
  • set up properly the animator controller with its different movement set ID, Item0, Item1 index etc with the right transition parameters
  • Hook up the animator to character controller properly
Of course individual needs to have his own copies of Ultimate Character Controller / Climbing Add-On / Agility Pack Add-On.

The controller to set up is expected to be much simpler than the Demo one from Nolan, however this is still a decently complex task that needs to be done by seasoned individual.

Ideally candidate would be located in USA. we might consider western Europe but due to time zones etc we'd like to keep it simple

This is a paid position so let me know your rates. We can discuss over Skype: rosor11 or contact me via email: contact (at)

Please do not get in touch if you don't check all the boxes, It'd be a waste of time for everyone.

I have a paid request, but I think it's a more complicated task... And I'm not sure yet what my budget is for this task. I'm wondering if other users here would be willing to pitch in, because I think it would be useful for everyone working with Opsive. And that's an Aiming IK adjustment tool, similar to the one the Unity "Invector Shooter Controller" asset uses:

Justin, I'm wondering if this is an add-on you would be willing to develop, if enough of us were willing to fund the development of it. That you could then also sell as an add-on. Or, if any developers read this post, please reach out if this sounds like something you could accomplish. Let me know roughly how many hours it might take, and how much you would charge per hour. Or how much you would charge for the project as a whole.


Or, if anyone has come up with an already available method for this, please share here. (For example, using Final IK). Basically, overall, I've found that I can edit animation files to fit the custom characters I'm using, but a tool like the one Invector has would be an extremely helpful alternative.
Another ongoing project I'd be willing to fund would be some tutorial videos. Because I'm running into issues trying to set up some basic things with a custom character. Some videos showing the process from start to finish would be very useful. Videos on how to:
  • Use all of the add-ons for one character together, including the swimming, agility, and climbing packs. (I'm running into issues when trying to figure out how to correctly prioritize all of the "abilities" - for example, sometimes my character will try to climb instead of dive... or something like that.
  • How to fix the alignment of a custom character, for the ladder and other climbing abilities. (I'm also wondering if an IK tool would need to be developed for this, if the only other option is to manually change all of the climbing animations for a custom character)
  • How to alter starting/stopping and quick turn animations (and/or the animator controller), to work with a set of custom animations. I'm using Kubold's "Rifle/Pistol Animset Pro," and I'm attempting to get the Opsive character to use these type of animations similarly to how his demo controller works.
  • Etc.
By the way, by custom character, I mean one that has a completely different bone structure than the player character that comes with Opsive.

Also, I can pay for these projects via PayPal, or a freelance website, like
Does anyone can direct me to good programmers for UCC controller? we are making a FPS game and we need some expert help ? anyone knows of a company or few good programmers that are affordable? I dont see much success in the above posts !!