We have found a bug that is related to OnFixedUpdate not being called if it's overridden in the parent class but the subclass.
If we have class A that overrides OnFixedUpdate, then class B inherits class A without overriding OnFixedUpdate.
If in the behavior tree, we use class B as a node. The method OnFixedUpdate from the parent class (class A) is not called.
If we want it's to be called, we have to do one of the following:
1. Override OnFixedUpdate again in class B and call base.OnFixedUpdate()
2. Have a node that is on the same hierarchy-level as class B on the behavior tree that has an overridden OnFixedUpdate
Here is a description of the bug with examples (classes, behavior tree design, console log)

This is not a blocker to our work, but we must do a small hack to get it working (method #1). We wonder if this is indeed a bug or if there are additional settings that we need to do.
We have found a bug that is related to OnFixedUpdate not being called if it's overridden in the parent class but the subclass.
If we have class A that overrides OnFixedUpdate, then class B inherits class A without overriding OnFixedUpdate.
If in the behavior tree, we use class B as a node. The method OnFixedUpdate from the parent class (class A) is not called.
If we want it's to be called, we have to do one of the following:
1. Override OnFixedUpdate again in class B and call base.OnFixedUpdate()
2. Have a node that is on the same hierarchy-level as class B on the behavior tree that has an overridden OnFixedUpdate
Here is a description of the bug with examples (classes, behavior tree design, console log)

This is not a blocker to our work, but we must do a small hack to get it working (method #1). We wonder if this is indeed a bug or if there are additional settings that we need to do.