Need help with an error related to AIM ability state


New member
I am trying to make the PUN add on demo work.
Currently getting a few errors and the aim ability with the sniper rifle doesn't work as intended.
The errors that I see in the console are:

Error: The state Aim on [2] RecoilEffect does not have a preset. Ensure each non-default state contains a preset.

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.StateManager.CombineStates (Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.State state, System.Boolean active, Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.State[] states) (at Assets/Opsive/Shared/Runtime/StateSystem/StateManager.cs:384)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.StateManager.CombineStates (Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.State state, System.Boolean active, Opsive.Shared.StateSystem.State[] states) (at Assets/Opsive/Shared/Runtime/StateSystem/StateManager.cs:389)

Has anyone encountered these errors? This only happens in PUN add on demo. The normal demo works fine.

Please let me know how I can fix these and also what is the reason behind these errors.
Do you have the Third Person Controller? It doesn't look like the first person state was removed. You can manually do this by removing the empty preset within the Recoil Effect module.