Move with object - Update rotation - camera rotation updates


New member
Hi guys,

I would like to ask for some help, for a small issue. In my ability I've the update rotation method combined with move with object param active but the camera rotate with the rotation of the character. I would like to override the behaviour of the camera rotation to do not rotate the camera.

I'm Inherit my ability class from Traversal Climb - Climb - DetectObjectAbilityBase. So I can use MoveWithObject param

I hope is clear, can someone help me with this?

Thank you
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There is a method on the CameraController called SetRotationalOverride which allows you to specify an override function. This will let you update the camera rotation within any ability. Take a look at hte AssistAim ability for an example.
Hi Justin, thank you for your reply. I made some test with the method but maybe I'm not using in the correct way. For a test i implemented the function needed into the method SetRotationalOverride with return Quaternion.Identity, but now it set one time to Quaternion.Identity and then the camera rotates, I've to call the method SetRotationalOverride in every UpdateRotation? If i would like to mantain the adventure style camera (free around the character) i've to implement it in the SetRotationalOverride again?
The method will be triggered for as long as the action is set. The Assist Aim ability has an example of it being resetting when the ability stops.
Sorry Justin, i didn't understand, i've copied all from the AimAbility where SetRotationalOverride is called, in my ability, but it seems is not working. I'm missing something? Can i provide you some other infos to help me? Thank you so much
I think the best route is to set a breakpoint within the ThirdPerson.cs script for the camera ViewType. Within the LateUpdate method m_RotationalOverride should be set, and this is the callback that you should have registered for.
Hi Justin, Thank you, i've implemented successfully the method but I got the following problem in the short video attached registered with OBS Studio on this Registration.

I think is the MoveWithObject param in my ability class that inherit from Traversal Climb - Climb - DetectObjectAbilityBase. So I can use MoveWithObject param.

Could you please check the registration and if possible help me?

Thank you so much
For this I would need to step through the code to be able to determine the cause. With your character moving up the rope I wouldn't use MoveWithObject since that relies on one transform value whereas the rope is more fluid. You'll instead want to get a point from the rope physics and move with that instead.