By any chance did you modify the first person arms or pistol animator controller at all? What index is trying to be retrieved within GetParameter? You can add a Debug.Log just before the error line. I am not getting the same results as you.
if (m_Animator.GetParameter(j).nameHash == slotIDHash) {
I didn't. I even removed the Opsive folders before updating as it was necessary. I usually import the demo scene in a separate project than my own.
It's trying to retrieve index parameter 0 then it throws me the error. It only happens with the order of actions I do with the character models in the video. If I don't go to the Rhea area before and just press Q to pull the pistol, then it works good, otherwise it gives me that error.
As for my personal project however, I don't know if it's related, as it doesn't throw me any error so it's more difficult to debug. I have an issue in which with 1 of the character models if I press too fast the crouch toggle, or if I move and press the crouch toggle, the character crouches but then the ability stays active, not allowing the character to stand up again.
I tried to isolate the problem, and it appears to be only an issue with the index 1 (second character model) in the Model Manager script. I tested switching the order of the character models in the script, and it was always the second character model which was not working properly. So even if I just start with the index 1 character model, the ability will not work correctly.
Found a kind of similar issue in the demo scene, in which if the character:
- Go to Rhea zone and crouch, stay crouched
- Go to Atlas zone
- Stand up and crouch again
- Go to Rhea zone crouched
The crouch ability stays active