Melee weapon hit detection strange.


I am not sure what is happening in my scene. There is this yellow figure that looks like a collider and moves when my character's sword swings. This is only able to be seen in scene view while selecting the Items then the child sword. Even though I Attached a collider surrounding the sword's blade to the item, it seems that the only way that the sword hits the enemy is when the yellow collider touches them as I attack while watching the scene window. The actual collider I assigned to my sword doesn't work.

I can't click on the yellow floating collider either. The item sword that I click on is this one. It has no colliders attached. so I don't know what is going on.



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For now try using a box collider, I'll take a look at why the capsule collider is being drawn wrong. We will be releasing an update soon with the 2019.3 release.
I actually remade the character from scratch and used a box collider and it only hits sometimes. I can't catch the consistency. I'll be swinging through my enemy and no hits. Also how do I post little video recordings here of an example of what I mean?
Can you reproduce it within the demo scene? You can use streamable to link to small videos.