LadderClimb State always "TopMount"


New member
Hi! First off, thanks for making the climbing pack!! I've been trying to get it to work and I copied the ladder from the Demo scene and everytime I try to mount the ladder the ClimbState reports back as "TopMount" value which breaks it.

This is a fresh project with the latest version of UCC (3rd person) and Climb pack installed (in that order). I've already done the import for all the climb animations through the UI and added the States to the LadderClimb Ability, Animator Monitor, and Character IK portions.

Any ideas why this is thinking I'm trying to mount from the top?


Within LadderClimb.CanStartAbility does the line below (around line 150) return true? Or is it base.CanStartAbility that returns true?

                    m_DetectedObject = m_RaycastResult.collider.gameObject;
                    m_ClimbState = ClimbState.TopMount;
                    return true;

I had a somewhat similar situation with free climb and am thinking that you'll need to add m_ClimbState = ClimbState.BottomMount just before base.CanStartAbility();
Within LadderClimb.CanStartAbility does the line below (around line 150) return true? Or is it base.CanStartAbility that returns true?

                    m_DetectedObject = m_RaycastResult.collider.gameObject;
                    m_ClimbState = ClimbState.TopMount;
                    return true;

I had a somewhat similar situation with free climb and am thinking that you'll need to add m_ClimbState = ClimbState.BottomMount just before base.CanStartAbility();

That code never gets called when I'm on the ground trying to mount the ladder (it does correctly when I'm at the top though).

I found out that jumping onto the ladder works, but the "Action" button does not. (A quick side note, if you jump onto the ladder and then go back down, the legs appear to clip through the ground and then "pop" back up once you are de-mounted).

I did notice though that if I turned off the other Abilities, then the Ladder Climb worked fine (except for the de-mount from a jump).

Thanks for the help as always!

EDIT: Okay I just figured out the Ladder Climb ability needs to be above the other climb abilities, so that fixed the issue with using the button to start climbing! Unfortunately, the jump onto ladder de-mount bug exists and I checked in the Demo scene and it happens there too.
Glad you are making progress. For the dismount are you using the recently released version 1.0.1? I believe I fixed it there.