Item-specific actions?

I see how to create an action set for a category of items:
But how do you create an action set for a specific item?

I suppose alternatively, having a set of actions per category would be okay, as long as I could flag a few actions within the set as only being present for specific items.

My use case is: user can collect butterflies. they then show up in the player's inventory. a player can select actions on the butterfly and see three options specific to the butterfly. Different items would have different options.

Thanks for the advice.
This would require some custom code.

What you can do is add an attribute on your Item Definition with the type ItemActionSet (or something custom if you want).
Check this page to get a better idea why you would want to do that:

using that attribute you could get all the actions which can be used specifically on that item and on no others.

You'll need to make a custom Item Action Panel and edit the action list such that it also adds the actions from the item attribute.

Note that if you had only one special Item Action per Item, you could make some sort of "Use" Item Action that calls the Item Action that is set as an attribute (This is used for magic spells for example)

I hope that helps
What about just creating a category just for this one item? I could have the category be a child of the "consumable" category. That's a little counter-intuitive, but seems it would meet the need. Would love your opinion of whether that's a fine idea before proceeding.
Yes that's a good alternative, I actually thought of the same thing last night and was just about to advise you to do that if you didn't want to write a custom Item Action Panel