Item Manager error: "The character must be an already created character."


New member
I'm starting to try to configure my character to use the assault rifle, following along with the tutorial video. The Item manager won't let me build the assault rifle item presumably because of this error. This character has been functional in my project for quite some time, I've created custom abilities for it, and most aspects of it work well. My question is, what does the Item manager require for a character to be considered "already created?"

This line throws that error:

                    // The attach to object must be a character already created.
                    if (m_Character.GetComponentInChildren<ItemPlacement>() == null) {
                        if (canBuild) {
                            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The character must be an already created character.", MessageType.Error);

Make sure you've setup your character to use items.