Issues in 3rd person view, look at direction and aiming in zoom


New member
I am looking at the demo and see 2 issues so far I have spotted, and am wondering how to fix these things. Both issues are in 3rd person view. First one, when camera is tilted to point straight down, the toon basically bend in two and additional twisting will move the upper body through the lower body in a weird way. Second one, when zooming in and aiming at the ai enemy, the mouse target icon bounce around, i.e. you cannot point directly at the enemy, it either bounces around or is stuck right under it.

Has anybody else encountered these issues and is there a potential fix for these?

Kind Regards
Hi, how are you?
Sorry for that but I think is only in the demo, does the problem also exist when you aim at a crate?
The new version has fixed a lot of issues but we will have to wait until the end of the year for version 0.8.
Because it seems to me that I have already fixed this, is it on the remote clients? Or on the local client? Because there was a problem with the synchronization of the LookSource on the remote clients.