is Visible task


It looks like the "is Visible" task isn't working as expected.

Here object renderer is visible and task shows Success.

Here renderer is not visible but task shows that it is visible. Object is behind wall and other objects.

If I rotate the camera so that the object gets out of the camera frustum ( object is behind a wall all and other objects all the time), then is Visible task indicate that the renderer is not visible any more. It appears that walls and other objects do not affect renderer visibility check? Is this the way "is Visible" task should work?

I'm using Unity 2020.2.5f1 and Behavior Designer 1.6.6.
Forget about this. I found the answer.

"Note that the object is considered visible when it needs to be rendered in the Scene. For example, it might not actually be visible by any camera but still need to be rendered for shadows. When running in the editor, the Scene view cameras will also cause this value to be true."
