Internal installer crashes on Unity 6


New member

I just purchased the Character Controller and created a new Unity 6 HDRP project to try it out.

I added the asset to my project using the package manager. Then the small window popped up, informing that I have the requirements to start the internal installer that should install the ultimate character controller package into the Assets folder (i.e. the "ThirdPersonController3.1.3.unitypackage" package if I'm right).
But this installer never finishes. After waiting ca. 30 minutes, Unity crashes, showing the "Unity Bug Reporter" dialog, then finishes executing.

Then if I try to re-open the project, the Asset is indicating "In Project" status in Package-Manager, but in the "Assets/Opsive" folder, only the "Installer" folder exists.
So if I try to reinstall the Asset from the package-manager, Unity writes "Nothing to import" and then starts the internal installer again, that gets to the never-ending progress state again and crashes Unity after 30-40 minutes.

This is a screenshot of this waiting state, shortly before Unity crashes:


What could be wrong?
As said, this is a fresh Unity 6 HDRP project, using the LTS editor version 6000.0.23f1.

Thank you for any help,
Have you tried importing the Opsive/Installer/ThirdPersonController3.1.3.unitypackage directly by double clicking on it? If Unity still crashes even after doing that it's a bug in Unity. My guess is that it has something to do with the HDRP shaders. You could try using the built-in render pipeline to confirm. Either way Unity shouldn't crash so you should report the stack trace to Unity. If it still crashes even after trying built-in you could try a previous Unity version and then manually copy the files. The character controller doesn't have any hooks into the import process so Unity will need to fix it.
Thank you for your reply. I have installed the latest Unity 6 patch (6000.0.30f) and now the installer works without problems.
In this case I think I don't need to send a bug-report to Unity (the support would say anyway that I should always use the latest patch).