My guess is that this is probably related to your setup of ItemSetRule.
The Inventory System has an ItemSlotSet attached to the ItemSlotCollection. This defines how many items you can equip and in what slots. This is purely on the Inventory Side.
On the Character side you have ItemSetRules, which define how your character can mix and match equipped items. We differentiate "Soft Equip" and "Active Equipped" items. I would recommend you read more of the integration docs:
The character controller is seamlessly integrated with the Ultimate Inventory System allowing you to use the Ultimate Inventory System inventory rather than the inventory included . . .
Now from what I understand, you want to be able to only equip one item at a time. Is that right?
In that case I would recommend having an ItemSlotCollection with a single slot. You could call it "Character Weapon Equipment" or whatever feels appropriate.
The on your ItemSetRule you could set it to set it to a simple rule that active equips the item in Slot 0.
And that should do the trick. All items would be equipped in the right hand. only one item at a time.
This of course would be only for weapons (a.k.a CharacterItems ). You could have a different ItemSlotCollection for Equipping clothes, etc...
I hope that points you in the right direction