How to look at an object?


New member
I want my character to look at any choosen transform (influencing head and neck). Before purchasing Third Person Controller I'd been using Final IK's look at.

Movement type is set to Third Person Adventure.
Camera view is set to Pseudo3D.

How can I add this feature (using Final IK or Character IK)?
You can us the aim assist component:

And where exactly is the target slot? I want characters to look at an object, not crosshair.

"Movement type is set to Third Person Adventure.
Camera view is set to Pseudo3D. "
The target slot is accessible via the Target property of the AimAssist component.

This doesn't work with the 2.5D View Type though - for that you'll need to modify the view type in order to support looking at a specific object.
You can us the aim assist component:

Because Aim Assist require Camera Controller it works with player characters. Is there any look at ability for AI characters?

CharacterIKBase should have this function to follow a transform.

public abstract void SetLookAtPosition(bool active, Transform transform);
I believe you could easily use the ability to do so. Do not take any note of the settings here, these are default, but you can make it work how you like.
@FastSkillTeam LookAt ability is a Detect Object Ability. It requires an object to detect with collider. I need a simple ability to force character to look at a transform and follow target with head. Aim assist can be used for player characters. I need it for AI characters. I wrote my own ability. It should be nice to have JustLookAt Ability in UCC.
Ah I see, there is indeed also way to set look at for IK, CharacterIK.SetLookAtPosition(true, tgtPos).
A custom ability is the way to go, the extendibility is awesome.