How to iterate through a shared list?


I have created a shared list variable called SharedAttackEvent which has several properties one of which is a float called attackProbability. In a new Task I have created a SharedAttackEvent attackEvents and in OnStart() I am trying to iterate through all of the attackEvents in the list to add the probabilities together

public SharedAttackEvent attackEvents;
float weightTotal;

foreach(SharedAttackEvent attackEvent in attackEvents.Value)

     weightTotal += attackEvent.attackProbability;

but I cant figure out the correct syntax to do this since its a Shared variable type list. Thank you for any help!.

Here are the definitions in case you need to see these to help:
    public class SharedAttackEvents : SharedVariable<List<AttackEvent>>
        public static implicit operator SharedAttackEvents(List<AttackEvent> value) { return value; }

    public class AttackEvent
        public string attackName;
        public float attackProbability;
        public float distanceNeeded;
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