How to draw shared variables with a button to choose in my custom task editor?


New member
I tried to use a simple ObjectDrawer for my custom task and everything worked fine other than shared variables. But I do not know how to draw a shared variable just like without using the custom editor(with a button to choose a shared variable)

Here is my code and the error I got.

customClass.iceFlameList.Value = (SharedVariable<List<GameObject>>)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(customClass.iceFlameList.GetValue(), typeof(SharedVariable<List<GameObject>>));
Return Error "Can not convert object to UnityEngine.Object"


I tried to use a for loop to draw every component in the shared variable list, but the button to choose a shared variable just missed.
Shared variables can be drawn using BehaviorDesigner.Editor.FieldInspector.DrawSharedVariable.
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