@DavidC Thank you for the feedback! We really appriaciate it.
I'll go through your points one by one
Maybe a flow chart infographic explaining how different things tie together to make an item? I think a lot of the confusion probably stems from understanding the structure of inheritance and how it all comes together to make an item that exists in the game world (and furthermore explaining that these are being "cloned" to make multiple copies of it).
I added the diagrams from the video such that it can be seen in one glance
Importing Since version 1.3.0 Ultimate Inventory System is now a package. It imports within the Package folder, and all relevant scripts and assets can be . . .
Maybe a way to draw attention to things better. Like making the top option just say "(Default)" for applying changes to "this object/all objects/etc."
I'm not sure what you are refering to. Attributes in the editor perhaps?
Under item definitions, maybe add a header saying the top box is for "editing item values" and the second box is for "Preview Item Values" (or some verbiage to that effect)
Again I'm not sure what you are refering to. Are you refering to the ItemDefinition tab within the Inventory Manager window? I don't see top/down box you are refering to.
If it's in relation to the attributes, I do belive that it is clear, with the headings : Value, Inherited Value and Override Value. So that won't change.
Maybe some way to draw attention to the top buttons for different pages on the UI Designer and Integrations tabs. I remember being a little lost until I figured those out.
UI Designer is quite complex, but I do think that people that get stuck will go to the documentation or the video tutorial where everything is explained in detail.
When looking in some areas, for example the inventory component, clicking on the colored box for the item is different behavior from clicking on the word. I think people don't expect this. Can you do a right click selection menu, instead? Then make it so clicking on the colored box OR the word just expands the item.
I personally disagree on this one, I think clicking on the icon is quite practical, makes it very fast to go through the database especially when clicking on objects in the relationship box in ItemCategories and ItemDefinitions tab of the InventoryManager window.
Adding a right click context menu though isn't a bad idea, I could add option for duplicate, remove, etc...
I'll add that to my list of feature requests
Hide the bright icons unless the person is actually using that section. For example, under "Setup->Create Templates" there is a yellow ! icon that is always present, which I think alarms people or makes them think something is wrong, even though they aren't using that section.
I see what you mean... I'll see what I can do about that
"Setup->Create Templates" Option 1: Change "Item Pickup" to "Item Pickup (single item)" sub description, add "For example, when a player drops a single item such as a weapon. The item's model can be displayed." and Option 2: "Item Inventory (a group of items or a container)" Explain this would be for grouping items together, such as a Weapon + Ammo. Option 3: Random -> Randomized
I'll try to make those option more clear
When clicking on colored boxes, maybe add a confirmation saying "Jump to definition? Y/N" and an option "Do not show me this again"
Same as 5), I'm afraid I disagree on this one
Add namespaces/using to all your example code, so it's more obvious what to add for "Using Opsive.UltimateInventorySystem... etc" when referencing support documentation
I'm afraid I can't add that to all the code examples as we are trying to keep them short and to the point, usually small snipperts.
Your IDE should be adding those automatically as you write your code. If not I would highly recommend you use another IDE (visual studio is free and should do it automatically, I personally use Rider but it is not free)
A list of events in documentation, like exists for UCC
I chose to go against that because events can be added very easily and the documentation can become outdated quickly.
Instead I opted of writing a EventNames.cs script which contains all the events in UIS with a description of what they are used for. I find it a lot more pratical as you can find what you are looking for as you write your code.
If any of the descriptions are not clear do let me know and I'll update them.
For UCC integration, things feel a bit rough for like, in Code: Spawning an item, equipping that item, equipping that item set, starting an ability, then reversing that process. For example, if you want the player to equip a spoon while eating at a table, but then that spoon disappear when they stop eating.
I'll look at the documentation and see if I can give some additional code examples
I feel like there should be some kind of overloaded function for finding items and inventories, instead of having a bunch of functions for different scenarios that all are attempting to do the same goal. Also would be nice to have ones that work when also using UCC. For example, of signatures:
I'm torn on this one, on one hand it makes it shorter but on the other it's kind of a black magic box. And there can be many reason it doesn't work or does not give the result one could want.
If you think you really want it, you can create your own custom utility script that would help you for your own project.