HDRP on NolanPUN


New member
HDRP instructions say to change the First Person View Type to be something that is not in the list. The Camera Controller on the MainCamera in the scene only lists Combat, Free Look and Transform Look.
I did import the HDRP integration, and dragged the Overlay Pass into the scene.

Should I be setting up a new Nolan? I was reusing the NolanPUN in the demo scene of PUN Multiplayer.
I also noticed the inventory integration handles the weapons differently, in the NolanPUN all the weapons are already on the player but the normal UCC Inventory Nolan does not have any weapons in hand.
The Camera Controller on the MainCamera in the scene only lists Combat, Free Look and Transform Look.
I did import the HDRP integration, and dragged the Overlay Pass into the scene.
You should select the Combat ViewType and adjust the Overlay Render Type. The Combat ViewType is a First Person View Type.

Should I be setting up a new Nolan? I was reusing the NolanPUN in the demo scene of PUN Multiplayer.
You can use NolanPUN.

I also noticed the inventory integration handles the weapons differently, in the NolanPUN all the weapons are already on the player but the normal UCC Inventory Nolan does not have any weapons in hand.
You can do either method for adding items.
That is on the First Person Combat View Type, you can get to this from the Camera Controller.
OK I did find those options and set them but with Overlay Pass prefab in the scene, it makes the main camera very blurry all the time.
If I set the Layer on it to be Overlay, or if I set Mode to Local it stops but certainly I need to understand more about how it works or what it's purpose i. It also gives a warning on Queue: All Opaque. "Your HDRP settings do not support ForwardOnly, some objects might not render."
Unfortunately that is out of my experience with HDRP - I recommend posting on the Unity forums for help.
If you go into project settings -> graphics -> HDRP Global Settings - you can switch from Forward to use Deferred, which will get rid of that warning I'm pretty sure


  • 2022-08-02 18_08_02-Project Settings.png
    2022-08-02 18_08_02-Project Settings.png
    40.5 KB · Views: 5
OK I did find those options and set them but with Overlay Pass prefab in the scene, it makes the main camera very blurry all the time.
If I set the Layer on it to be Overlay, or if I set Mode to Local it stops but certainly I need to understand more about how it works or what it's purpose i. It also gives a warning on Queue: All Opaque. "Your HDRP settings do not support ForwardOnly, some objects might not render."
I have the same warning.
If you go into project settings -> graphics -> HDRP Global Settings - you can switch from Forward to use Deferred, which will get rid of that warning I'm pretty sure
This is already the default configuration when you start an hdrp project.

If it doesn't alarm Justin that we get this message on a project just launched with only UCC + hdrp integration, it's because it doesn't really matter, does it? Can I continue my project? I followed the tutorial videos to equip the AssaulRiffle there was no problem.

overlay pass.png