Hang - TransferVertically not working


New member
Hello, I've been setting up a character controller with all 3 add on packs. I've got every single ability working at this point, except for trying to transfer with the hang. I've brought in a prefab copy of the Atlas from the Agility Demo to test against, and he can transfer vertically at the same spot just fine. I've copied all of the settings for hang over from the "Agility Atlas" onto my character, the Hang State & AdjustPullUpCastDistance State under the hang ability (although I don't think the latter is related). I've got the Hang State under the Character IK with the same preset file as the Agility Atlas. I did notice there is a ClimbingAgility controller included with the climbing pack under integrations. I do have the climbing pack and it's abilities integrated on my character. Should I re-add the agility pack onto my character with that animator controller under the Add-Ons page, or with the standard Agility animator controller?

Here's a video of the issue

Here are pics of my settings:

So an older character controller I had has hang working properly. Oddest thing is since then, I've had the bug only return on the Agility Atlas character taken from the agility demo, which was always working before. But I've still got hang working, and all other abilities working as well. Lesson learned, I need better notes taken on version control to determine exactly what I did, haha.