[Formation Pack] [Movement Pack] help with formations and movement


New member
I've been trying for several hours to get the formation pack to work with movement actions included in the movement pack, but unsuccessfully.

I looked at the demo scene included in the Formation Pack and I was able to get the same scenario to work with my AI.
I hit a wall as soon as I started trying to get my AIs to wander in formation.

I tried different approaches, like getting the lead to wander and the formation to follow or combine wander and [any formation] in parallel, but with no success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
What does your tree look like? Are the formation tasks active at the same time across agents?
This is one of the attempts I tried to get a wedge formation following a wandering lead.
1612753821081.png 1612753918629.png
I didn't know what to put in the target transformation since the wander does not return a transform
I am sure I am missing something but I am an amateur programmer and I couldn't find much documentation or examples in setting up other scenario than the one included in the demo, so after some hours of trials and errors, I got stuck...
Both Wander and Wedge will modify the agent's transform so having them under a parallel task is going to produce undesirable results. The Target Transform is only used by Leader agent and represents the transform that the agents should move to. For following agents you don't need to specify anything.
Ah, I see what you're trying to do now. The Wedge task isn't able to directly use the Wander task as a leader. What you can do instead is not use the Wander task, and instead set the Target Transform of the Wedge to a new GameObject. Outside of the behavior tree you can then randomly position that transform so when the Wedge task is active it will move towards it. This will give the same effect as using a wander task.
A bit convoluted but it would solve just the Wander scenario.
I was hoping for the proper way to set up all the Movement Tasks (Follow, Patrol, Flee...) with the Formation Packs inside the Behavior Design Editor.
I am having similar problems, and I see this thread is not resolved. How can we effectively combine movement pack with formation pack?
I want to use the formation pack once the flock reaches the target. For moving to the target, I want to use the “Queue movement” formation, since my troops need to cross a narrow corridor.
You are not able to have two pathfinding tasks running at the same time since they are both trying to control the transform location. In your situation if you ensure all of the Flock tasks are not running before you start the Queue task then it will work. The grouped Movement Pack tasks work differently than how the Formations Pack tasks work so it will require you to specify all of the agents in the Queue task ahead of time.