first step with Behavior Designer - Behavior Trees for Everyone


Hello i have UFPS: Ultimate FPS and Third Person Controller I don't have Ultimate Character Controller.

I'm confused about how to install Behavior Designer - Behavior Trees for Everyone.
In the documentation its says "After Behavior Designer is imported you can access it from the Tools toolbar"
ok you just have to import but at the end of the documentation and in the video tutorial there is integration. There is no video showing step-by-step how to install.

How do I install Behavior Designer? I just have to import it or I have to download Integration Package for Ultimate Controller (it asks for Invoice Number of Ultimate Controller or Behavior Designer?)

I think I understood, you first have to import Behavior Designer, then download the integrations package and finally if in tools /Opsive / UCC/ integration manager / Integrations / Integrations / Integration Inspectors you have Agent Setup which appeared we are good.
Is this correct (because i dont have UCC)?

In the EnemyAtlas demo scene shooting a bullet at his feet and then nothing else, there's something I need to do?


  • integrations.png
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  • agent setup integration.png
    agent setup integration.png
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Glad you're making progress. It looks like you are missing the Movement Pack. In that same folder as the integration sample there's a readme which has a link to it :)
The integration for Movement Pack is only for a* pathfinding project or Polynav, I don't have them. Are they essential to make the demo work?

The Movement Pack works with the regular NavMeshAgent as well. The demo scene does require the Movement Pack.
So there is no intergration to be made?
I followed the Behavior Designer Overview video and it works so I think the setup is ok.
I have to replace the task myself or is this not supposed to happen?


  • Probleme.png
    484.3 KB · Views: 1
You don't need to download an integration since it's built in. Your tree has been serialized with the missing task so if you download the integration sample scene again then it will be able to resolve that task.
Thanks you. =)
The demo works, just the can hear doesn't seem to work after some testing I have the impression that the later mask detection mode doesn't work, I have no problem with the other detection modes.
detection mode.png
I still don't have a better way than this fix for Can Hear Object:

I plan on revisiting it for version 2.