[Feature Request] Override Conditional Abort of Behaviour Tree Reference


New member

I would like to override the conditional abort setting of the top-level composite Task of a behaviour tree reference.

I am trying to reduce the complexity of my behaviour tree by making use of external trees that I reference with the "Behaviour Tree Reference" Task. Most of the time, they are sequences with conditional Tasks and I use the conditional abort feature. I have to set the conditional abort on the sequence Task of the sub tree. However, it defines how the tree is interacting with the parent tree. It would enhance reusability, if I could override this on the reference task.
Example: The Behaviour Tree Reference contains a copy of the sequence on the left. It should conditionally abort the idle task.

Please also note that when using a Behaviour Tree Reference, you can easily forget about the conditonal abort setting in it. This can quickly lead to unwanted aborts. An override would improve awareness of this.
Interesting idea. I don't want it to be too confusing with the user not knowing which conditional abort it sets. I guess that it would be enough just to place it within the tooltip?
Hm I understand. It's just that I have a behaviour tree I would like to use with different conditional abort settings at different places in the parent tree. I really feel like the conditional abort should be a property of the parent tree, not the referenced tree.