Explosion doesn't affect character or other rigidbodies

I've run through all explosion component questions that i could find, and this one comes closest to my case:

If my gameObject with the Explosion component is set to Explode On Enable, it will apply force and damage to test game objects, but if not set to explode on enable, the explosion has no affect.

What I really want this to be is a landmine for my player, but it has absolutely no affect on the player (not even with Explode On Enable checked). The player rigid body mass is set to 1.

When exiting play mode, I get one of these for each parameter that I changed:
Trying to update the managed reference registry with invalid propertyPath(likely caused by a missing reference instance)'managedReferences[8846753147430633478].m_ImpactRadius', with value '5'

This explosion object is in the hierarchy, do I have to instantiate it?

Does anyone have any idea where to look for a solution?
Okay, I solved part of the issue by using an event listener that calls the Explode() function. This affects the character health, but still doesnt apply any force to the character (although it does apply force to all other rigidbodies).
Within Explosion.Explode can you verify that ImpactActionGroup.OnImpact gets called with the rigidbody object hit? Also, what modules are your explosion component using?