Explanation of Settings - Balance


New member
After looking at the documentation for the agility pack it seems that the settings it describes are missing/wrong.

Currently it lists these (But they are not actually there):
  • Stop Force Threshold
  • Stop Force
  • Stop Force Frames
What is currently available:
  • Ground Normal Sensitivity
    • No tooltip, no idea what this does
  • Angle Threshold - The maximum angle that the character can be relative to the forward direction of the object.
    • What does this mean? What happens if the character is outside of this angle?
  • Force Direction Influence - A (0-1) value indicating how much influence the character should rotate towards the balance direction. Set to 1 to always face the balance direction
    • While this works the tooltip is misleading at best. The values that make a different are extremely small - between 0.001 and 0.01

Could anyone explain/expand upon my knowledge?
Currently it lists these (But they are not actually there):
  • Stop Force Threshold
  • Stop Force
  • Stop Force Frames
Thanks, I'll update the documentation.

Ground Normal Sensitivity
  • No tooltip, no idea what this does
Hmm, there is a tooltip for this one. Does this make sense?

The character is no longer over the ground if the dot product between the character's up direction and the ground normal is less than the sensitivity.

Angle Threshold - The maximum angle that the character can be relative to the forward direction of the object.
The ability won't start if the character angle is more than this threshold amount. This is to prevent the ability from starting if for example the character is perpendicular to the object but you only want the ability to be able to start if they are facing forward.