New member
After looking at the documentation for the agility pack it seems that the settings it describes are missing/wrong.
Currently it lists these (But they are not actually there):
Could anyone explain/expand upon my knowledge?
After looking at the documentation for the agility pack it seems that the settings it describes are missing/wrong.
Currently it lists these (But they are not actually there):
- Stop Force Threshold
- Stop Force
- Stop Force Frames
- Ground Normal Sensitivity
- No tooltip, no idea what this does
- Angle Threshold - The maximum angle that the character can be relative to the forward direction of the object.
- What does this mean? What happens if the character is outside of this angle?
- Force Direction Influence - A (0-1) value indicating how much influence the character should rotate towards the balance direction. Set to 1 to always face the balance direction
- While this works the tooltip is misleading at best. The values that make a different are extremely small - between 0.001 and 0.01
Could anyone explain/expand upon my knowledge?