Equip Item Action is not working after unequip item


Problem is when I use ItemViewSlotContainerNamedItemActionHandler to equip/unequip items. I can equip items when I press E key, but when I go to equipment grid and unequip any item there, this item is unequiped and moves correct to main category, but equiping/unequiping items after that is blocked, just nothing happen when I press E on equiped items or items in main slots. I can still drop this items so this item action works well. When I add tooltip I can equip and unequip items without any problems so it works well, I have no idea where the problem is.

So I use ItemViewSlotContainerNamedItemActionHandler:
This is on Inventory grid and exact same copy on equipment grid.
This is item action.
This might be caused by a wrong designed choice on my end... sorry.
The Name of the of the Equip action changes between Equip and Unequip. So if you call the action by name it will work to Equip... but not to Unequip (Or the other way around).

So there are a few options
1) you use the same name in Name, MoveFromFirstToSecondName and MoveFromSecondToFirstName in the MoveToCollectionItemAction
2) You add two inputs for E to both Equip and Unequip

I hope that works as a workaround, I'll think of a better long term solution (EQuip/Unequip is the only one with the issue since it's the only one that changes name depending on the state of the item)