Does the Movement in the Movement pack align the objects with the surface its walking on?


New member
Hi, I have an object that has a behavior tree with the wandering task on. Everything works fine the object moves up and down any sort of slope as expected, however I would like the object to rotate so the bottom is always in line with the floor. Looking through the task and the update rotation function it seems that this is supposed to be doing this but it isn't working, I was wondering if this was built in functionality or not and if it is what im doing wrong. I have attached a box collider to this and nothing changes with or without it.

Thanks anyones time to help!
No, it does not. The Movement Pack uses the NavMeshAgent (or A*) to move and that locomotion implementation does not change the up rotation. If you are using our character controller you can use the Align to Ground ability to have the character rotation.