Hello! I've been running into an issue with the way I've designed my behavior tree or how conditional aborts have been designed. I need to run a task after a sequence has been aborted. (specifically to change the parameter of an animator) This may be possible, but from the research I've done, I couldn't find anything. Effectively, I want the aborted sequence to finish its sequence. The way it currently works, or at least in the version I'm currently using (1.7.11), it skips any task after the task that was running before the abort. This is problematic, in my case, because I want to change the animator parameter without having to change it in each of the other lower-priority branches. The only workaround I've found is creating individual custom tasks that get the animator and reset the parameters OnEnd(), but that sort of defeats the purpose of compartmentalization that makes behavior trees so useful. My suggestion would be to add a bool value to the sequence task that asks if I'd like to finish it on abort. Or perhaps a different type of sequence task entirely. But maybe I'm just missing something. Any help would be super useful. Thank you!