Canvas elements/scripts (like the SlotIdMonitor) can't find the character I've spawned in.

Due to the nature of my game, I have to spawn in all of my characters at runtime. I've notice this is causing chaos with the Opsive kit, such as scripts and such, as struggling to find my characters with the Player tag.

I've solved this in a roundabout way (disabling the elements, then activating them with a script when the player spawns), but doing this with my canvas breaks the game.

Simply put, the issue is that the canvas has issues with finding my player when they spawn in. This same thing happened with my Camera, too but that was fixed with that roundabout solution I mentioned. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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You should disable Init Character on Awake within the Camera Controller, and then assign the Character property manually after you have spawned the character. You can do this with the UI elements as well.
You should disable Init Character on Awake within the Camera Controller, and then assign the Character property manually after you have spawned the character. You can do this with the UI elements as well.
Sorry, I'm a little confused. By "assign the property manually", do you mean drag and drop things where they should be in the inspector? If so, I can't do that because I have multiple playable characters, and manually telling my script things would only account for one.

Right now, I'm trying to find my Player tag through scripts, and its kinda working besides the issues I mentioned before.