Can See Object sees Through the Wall


New member
As seen in the picture, there are enemies, walls and player. The wall has a navmesh obstacle component and its layer is ignoreRaycast. Currently, the enemy object sees the player behind the wall and moves towards it, but I do not want enemy to see behind the wall. So, is there a way to cancel the can see object after it hits the wall? I want to set it so that the enemy cannot see behind the wall. How can I do that?

You could use a both conditional abort instead of just lower priority. In your tree though since you don't have any lower priority branches using just a self conditional abort will also work.
You could use a both conditional abort instead of just lower priority. In your tree though since you don't have any lower priority branches using just a self conditional abort will also work.
Thank you for your answer, I will take this into consideration. I also understood the problem, it was a problem for me to assign the ignoreRaycast layer to the wall. For some reason, I thought that it would hit the ignored wall and then come back, but later I realized that it was the opposite, since it was ignored, it was passing through it.