Can I use these UFPS1 Scripts for UFPS 2

Well? Can we use this?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class HoverMotor : MonoBehaviour {
    public float speed = 90f;
    public float turnSpeed = 5f;
    public float hoverForce = 65f;
    public float hoverHeight = 3.5f;
    private float powerInput;
    private float turnInput;
    private Rigidbody carRigidbody;
    void Awake ()
        carRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
    void Update ()
        powerInput = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
        turnInput = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
    void FixedUpdate()
        Ray ray = new Ray (transform.position, -transform.up);
        RaycastHit hit;
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, hoverHeight))
            float proportionalHeight = (hoverHeight - hit.distance) / hoverHeight;
            Vector3 appliedHoverForce = Vector3.up * proportionalHeight * hoverForce;
            carRigidbody.AddForce(appliedHoverForce, ForceMode.Acceleration);
        carRigidbody.AddRelativeForce(0f, 0f, powerInput * speed);
        carRigidbody.AddRelativeTorque(0f, turnInput * turnSpeed, 0f);

[CODE]//This Vehicle Information

    Transform thisVehicle;

    HoverMotor myHoverMotor; //Motor Script, this will be whatever your vehicle uses

    HoverAudio myHoverAudio; //Motor Audio Script, this will be whatever your vehicle uses

    GameObject myCamera    ; //Camera for this vehicle

    GameObject playerExitPosition; //Position to put the player on exiting vehicle

    public GameObject myCanvas;//Basic control information


    //This is the Player information

    GameObject myPlayer;//UFPS Player game object

    vp_FPController myController;//UFPS Player controller

    vp_FPInput myInput;//UFPS Player Input


    //State of this vehicle, if we are in the vehicle or not

    bool InThisVehicle=false;



    void Start ()


        //Set references to everything

        thisVehicle = this.GetComponent<Transform>();

        myHoverMotor = thisVehicle.GetComponent<HoverMotor>();

        myHoverAudio = thisVehicle.GetComponent<HoverAudio>();

        myCamera = thisVehicle.GetComponentInChildren<Camera>().gameObject;

        playerExitPosition = thisVehicle.FindChild("PlayerExitPosition").gameObject;


        //turn off Vehicle scripts and camera on start









    //Exit vehicle keyboard input.  In fixed update so it doesn't move at computer speed

    void FixedUpdate ()




            //Change the Input to whatever you want to use






    public void ExitVehicle()


        myPlayer.SetActive(true);//turn on the player

        myController.SetPosition(playerExitPosition.transform.position);//move the player

        myInput.enabled=true;//enable the player's input

        myHoverMotor.enabled=false;//turn off vehicle stuff

        myHoverAudio.enabled=false;//turn off vehicle stuff

        myCamera.SetActive(false);//turn off vehicle stuff

        InThisVehicle=false;//We aren't in the vehicle anymore




    public void EnterVehicle()


        myPlayer.SetActive(false);//turn off the player

        myHoverMotor.enabled=true;//turn on vehicle stuff

        myHoverAudio.enabled=true;//turn on vehicle stuff

        myCamera.SetActive(true);//turn on vehicle stuff

        InThisVehicle=true;//We are in the vehicle now





    //Make sure your trigger collider is big enough for the player to interact

    //Also, make sure the Exit position is outside the trigger area

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)


        //if a player enters trigger and the player isn't already in the vehicle

        //just in case there are multiple players



            myPlayer=other.gameObject;//Get the player

            myController=myPlayer.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();//Get the controller

            myInput=myPlayer.GetComponent<vp_FPInput>();//Get the input

            EnterVehicle();//Run the EnterVehicle function





using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class red_InteractFreeHelicopter : MonoBehaviour {
    //This Vehicle Information
    Transform thisVehicle;
    csHellicopter myMotor; //Motor Script, this will be whatever your vehicle uses
    AudioSource mySounds; //Sounds for the helicopter
    public GameObject myCamera    ; //Camera for this vehicle
    GameObject playerExitPosition; //Position to put the player on exiting vehicle
    public GameObject myCanvas;//Basic control information
    //This is the Player information
    GameObject myPlayer;//UFPS Player game object
    vp_FPController myController;//UFPS Player controller
    vp_FPInput myInput;//UFPS Player Input
    //State of this vehicle, if we are in the vehicle or not
    bool InThisVehicle=false;
    void Start ()
        //Set references to everything
        thisVehicle = this.GetComponent<Transform>();
        myMotor = thisVehicle.GetComponent<csHellicopter>();
        //        myCamera = thisVehicle.GetComponentInChildren<Camera>().gameObject;
        playerExitPosition = thisVehicle.FindChild("PlayerExitPosition").gameObject;
        //turn off Vehicle scripts and camera on start
    //Exit vehicle keyboard input.  In fixed update so it doesn't move at computer speed
    void FixedUpdate ()
            //Change the Input to whatever you want to use
    public void ExitVehicle()
        myPlayer.SetActive(true);//turn on the player
        myController.SetPosition(playerExitPosition.transform.position);//move the player
        myInput.enabled=true;//enable the player's input
        myMotor.enabled=false;//turn off vehicle stuff
        myCamera.SetActive(false);//turn off vehicle stuff
        InThisVehicle=false;//We aren't in the vehicle anymore
    public void EnterVehicle()
        myPlayer.SetActive(false);//turn off the player
        myMotor.enabled=true;//turn on vehicle stuff
        myCamera.SetActive(true);//turn on vehicle stuff
        InThisVehicle=true;//We are in the vehicle now
    //Make sure your trigger collider is big enough for the player to interact
    //Also, make sure the Exit position is outside the trigger area
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        //if a player enters trigger and the player isn't already in the vehicle
        //just in case there are multiple players
            myPlayer=other.gameObject;//Get the player
            myController=myPlayer.GetComponent<vp_FPController>();//Get the controller
            myInput=myPlayer.GetComponent<vp_FPInput>();//Get the input
            EnterVehicle();//Run the EnterVehicle function
Moved to the Ultimate Character Controller section - please ensure you're posting in the correct section.

Related to the scripts, the version 2 API has completely changed so you'll need to update the scripts to reflect that.
Moved to the Ultimate Character Controller section - please ensure you're posting in the correct section.

Related to the scripts, the version 2 API has completely changed so you'll need to update the scripts to reflect that.

So I need to have new scripting for these scripts then?