Bypassing Has Received Event


New member

So I have this branch for when the enemy gets in player range, triggering this attack sequence. In trying to sync with the animation, I'm using the Until Success on the Received Event, in which the event is triggered by the animation itself. The problem is that when the enemy enters this branch the first iteration works as intended, however from the second iteration onwards it doesn't, the tree starts going through the first Received Event without actually waiting for the event to be called. If someone has any idea what is causing this problem it would be really helpful.

I think my description of the problem may not be very clear, but if needed I can provide further explanations. Thanks!
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It doesn't look like the image was loaded - I think that that image will help me understand more.
Which animation event isn't working? Is it the Apply Attack event?

The Has Received Event task will reset when the task ends - if you place a breakpoint/Debug.Log within OnEnd does it get reset?

I recorded this to makes things clearer. It's the Apply Attack Event which gets bypassed it seems. I added a Debug.Log on the Received Event Task OnEnd, which seems to be called every update.
Hmm, it looks like there is an abort triggering with the second event task. If you enable logging on the behavior tree component what does it say happens at that time?
The logs scrolled too fast for me to see what happens when the Has Received Event task highlights. Can you send that scene to so I can take a look? I should be able to take a look at it on Monday.
I managed to solve it! Thank you so much for the help Justin

It is as you said, there was an abort being triggered due to the Sequence having abort and the fact that the HasReceivedEvent was always returning Failure until they actually received the event. To solve it I just had to swap the HasReceivedEvent to a custom one which returns Running instead of Failure