Bug: String Input Box has no cursor navigation


New member
Input fields for `SharedString` do not show you what you are typing after the text is longer than the inspector window.

Ways this could be fixed
  • Let me resize the inspector window by clicking on the side and dragging it out
  • When I use the arrow keys, navigate through the string to where the cursor head is like other text input fields in unity.
Use Case
In this task I created, I have a field to type a value into.
The input box for the string is not long enough to see what I am typing, which resulted in a typo. To fix it, I had to copy the field, paste it into a text editor, fix the typo, then paste it back in there. (Was typing 'Searching Dungeon')
What version of Unity are you using? I just tried and was able to move within the textbox. The textbox is drawn using EditorGUILayout and it's completely up to Unity to handle the cursor/text drawing so my guess is that you hit a bug with the version of Unity that you are using.