AttachClip error message


Active member
1. Character controller variant:
Ultimate Character Controller

2. Unity version:
2020.2.1f1 URP

3. Bug description
Suggest change to the ShootableWeapon script in the AttachClip method. If there is no clip gameobject defined, the AddRemoveReloadableClip will throw an error. Could a check be added if m_ReloadDropClip is null, like the code does in ReloadItem. example script below.

4. Steps to reproduce
On a shootable weapon, have no clip object, but have the Reload Detach Attach Clip checkbox checked.

5. The full error message (if any)

PS. Sorry, should be in General.

        private void AttachClip()
            if (!m_Reloading) {

            // Attach the clip back to the original transform. Attach both first and third person in case there is a perspective switch.
            DetachAttachClip(false, m_FirstPersonPerspectiveProperties as IShootableWeaponPerspectiveProperties, true);
            if (m_ReloadDropClip != null)
                AddRemoveReloadableClip(false, m_FirstPersonPerspectiveProperties as IShootableWeaponPerspectiveProperties, true);
            DetachAttachClip(false, m_ThirdPersonPerspectiveProperties as IShootableWeaponPerspectiveProperties, false);
            if (m_ReloadDropClip != null)
                AddRemoveReloadableClip(false, m_ThirdPersonPerspectiveProperties as IShootableWeaponPerspectiveProperties, false);

            // Clean up from the event.
            if (m_ReloadDetachAttachClipEvent != null) {
                m_ReloadDetachAttachClipEvent = null;
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