API Video / Guide


New member
Can we get a video or guide on how to view the built in API documentation, mentioned here;

I realize this might sound like a stupid request, but a lot of the users here seem to be designers and artists first; coding and IDE use is not our strong suit. This guy included.
Any pointers (other than the VBA link) would be greatly appreciated.
The UCC docs are already quite simple relative to a lot of API docs out there. While UCC does a significant amount of the leg work for you, using it still requires some level of technical knowledge and making a game is always a technical endeavour, regardless of how good the engines or tools are.

Unfortunately there's not much to show/teach beyond just trying things out yourself, starting simple, etc. A good way to learn the technical stuff is to focus on learning one specific thing at a time based on a single problem you need to solve, feature, etc. I know this may not be the most satisfactory answer right now, but I'm sure you'll get there with time and effort!
I understand that there is a learning curve, and I'll have to do dive in to a lot of technical features.

But I think you might have misunderstood my question.
"The API for the character controller can be found using the Object Browser of your IDE."
What I'm specifically asking is; What steps are you are following in order to get the API documentation in to the Object Browser? What modules do I need to load? Am I supposed to be building my own custom component set?

Ultimately, if something like what Rewired provides, was available, it would be great.
There's no online API, because the codebase is fully commented to support object browsing in the project itself. An Object Browser is simply a feature included in many IDEs that allows you to browse through the various namespaces, classes, etc. in a project. How you use it will depend on your IDE. I don't use an IDE myself, but I believe Visual Studio has a decent one, as described on that page you linked.
Yes, I realize there is no online API, which is why I'm asking about how to use the Object Browser, as you guys have described. And yes, I realize Visual Studio has an Object Browser; that's what I'm using. The page I linked, links further to a VBA page, which honestly, is pretty useless. That's why I'm asking here.

Again, what I'm asking is; What steps are you are following in order to get the API documentation in to the Object Browser?
What module / project / solution do I need to load? Am I supposed to be building my own custom component set? Am I supposed to load the DLLs?

Look, I've been screwing around with this since Monday, and it feels like I'm getting now where, and it feels like I'm getting non-answers. If I'm not making my questions clear enough, just tell me.
The UCC is great and all, but if I'm to the point where I need to start making larger customizations. Instead of coming here every hour for guidance on callings, I'm really trying to get some documentation in front of me.


  • ObjectBrowser.jpg
    55.1 KB · Views: 4
I just replied to your review. Thanks for your last post - it helps understand where you are going wrong.

It doesn't look like Unity has generated the C# project so that's why the Object Browser isn't working. When I open up the Object Browser I see:


If Unity has not generated the C# project then it won't be able to generate the C# API. You can make Unity generate the C# project from the Unity preferences:


By clicking Regenerate Project Files you should then be able to click Assets -> Open C# Project within Unity and then you can open the Object Browser like you did. Once you get it working if you can update your review that would be great.
Thank you! That is exactly what I needed. If that second image was put into the official documentation, it would save a lot of hassle.

With respect to the review;
Sorry it came to that, but I have to be honest with the Unity community.
As I mentioned, I think UCC is a very powerful asset.
Before buying, I read this forum up and down. I read the online documentation repeatedly. I knew there would be a learning curve.
However, it is very daunting to post on this forum. Just my experience, but based on other posts I see, I'm almost scared to ask a question. Like if I ask a question, I'm being a hassle or a burden. It feels like; "go figure it out for yourself". And while I get that our projects are our problem, a bit more involvement and empathy goes a long way. Maybe it's not the case, but it's how it feels.
I know I'm just one guy, and my opinion isn't worth much, but check out what guys like THMSV have done. His asset is super infant compared to UCC, but his community is amazing, and it's moved RPG Builder up to a top asset in only a few months.