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I have a state machine in my code that's based on classes.
I created a node in BD to go to a state. But right now it's called by string, I have to type in the name of the State.

Is it possible that I can lookup this name automatically in BD? so that I don't have to type every state available to my unit.

Just FYI: I don't have variables like "public State_Fireball FireballState;"
my states are built automatically through reflection.

The component of my state machine is on the same gameObject as my BehaviorTree component.

Here's an example of a state class in my code.
protected class State_Fireball : AI_State<Detonator_AI>
protected override void Enter()

protected override void Exit()

protected override Type Update()
if (U.Fsm.IsExitAnimInState(VIS.attack2))
return typeof(State_Idle);

return null;
Depending on your state machine you could potentially cache the state within the OnAwake method of the behavior tree task, but this largely depends on your state machine.