Ability Animation Syncing Issue


New member
Hello! I am running into an unexpected behavior concerning UCC move towards ability and networking with the UCC PUN add-on. Was wondering if anyone has an idea what it might be.

I have a bunch of "benches" for players to "sit" on in a circle facing inwards. These are interactables with movetowardslocation scripts attached to them, and they are spawned over the network with PhotonNetwork.Instantiate and observed.
I also have a sitting ability set up for players that play a sitting down animation until the ability ends.
Now, this all works fine for the local client but for the other clients observing; the character appears to teleport briefly to movetowards location of another interactable bench in the circle (more specifically, always to the bench right across) right after the ability starts and then slowly moves back to the correct movetowards location. This also cancels the ability animation when it happens.

Has anyone encountered something similar or have an idea what might be causing this?
This sounds like it could be a timeout issue on the Move Towards component - have you tried adjusting that?
That was the problem! It was timing out every time the ability is triggered because the fast rotation state was not set up properly. It works great now. Thank you, Justin!