Recent content by Vlaxep

  1. V

    Ladder ability obstacles while climbing?

    Hi, Is there a way to have the Ladder ability recognise that there is an obstacle along the climbing space? For example, I am trying to build a long vertical ladder sectioned by hatches that the player should open as they reach each one, all whilst remaining in the climb ability. The problem...
  2. V

    Pickup ability raycast goes through walls

    Ah ok, think I figured it out - user error. I did have another collider interfering on the default layer, causing no detection even when the door is moved away. So is is correct then, that if I want to use Raycast detection for a pickup, I need to include all physics layers in the detection...
  3. V

    Pickup ability raycast goes through walls

    Hi, I have a pickup that is hidden behind a sliding compartment door. The player has to find a key to be able to open the door obstructing access to the pickup weapon. The issue is that the pickup raycast goes through the door. I can't figure out why the Raycast is able to see straight...
  4. V

    Shooting - fully automatic sound override

    Hi, I managed to get an ok fix, but it's not perfect especially the 'single shot sound's timing when releaseing, but it's certainly decent and allows me to use any looped machine gun sound. - However it does not use the Animator Audio State This is roughly how I've done it: I have an audio...
  5. V

    Emerald AI Integration

    @magique and anyone interested. I've updated to latest Emerald (3.2) and now my player doesn't get damaged by AI. I don't think I've cause the issue, and was working on the sound detection feature which is new, I didn't notice damage to the player wasn't working. However I've not altered...
  6. V

    Wrong damage indicator directions....

    Sounds like what you're saying is this IS the intended behaviour? or is this not the intended result? Should a hit from the front ONLY produce an arrow in the UP direction, or my screenshot showing what should be produced? I don't know about breakpoints so I'll have to look it up.
  7. V

    Wrong damage indicator directions....

    Hi Justin, when you say it will point in the direction of the attacker, is that with the origin being the cursor ie. center of the screen, or originating from the player to the attacker then translated to the UI overlay? I'll post a screenshot to demonstrate my problem soon
  8. V

    Wrong damage indicator directions....

    Howdy, The UI Damage indicators seem to be pointing in the direction of the attacker in relation to the cursor, rather than indicating the direction of the attacker in relation to the player, is this the intended behaviour? So for example if when damaged by an attacker and view is facing...
  9. V

    Jump ability is not consistent

    HI Justin, thanks. Yeah I definitely can't uncheck the PreventSlopeLimitJump. This GIF shows the kind of scenario where it occurs..... If I jump before the obstacle I can't jump, but if I collide first then try to jump, he won't jump at all...
  10. V

    Jump ability is not consistent

    Hi, I'm trying to make jumping a bit more lenient without allowing jumping up steep slopes. Currently if my Character walks/runs in to a flat vertical wall, ie. a building wall, he can jump without issues. If for example I have an object around knee height and walk/run right into it, or am on...
  11. V

    Die animation, what determines animation to use?

    SOLVED Sorry I meant Health.Damage I then tried Health.ImmediateDeath with the position and direction of an empty child gameobject which remains in front of the Player, now it always plays forward death animation when i manually call this! Might help someone else reading this.
  12. V

    Die animation, what determines animation to use?

    Hi, I'm initiating the Character's 'die' animation by calling Health.Die, and I want to use the 'die forward' animation. What determines which animation is used? Cheers
  13. V

    Force rotation of the camera

    I've just tried to implement this.... It appears as though this ability makes the 'Character' look at the object right? Not the 'camera'? I'm also looking to make the Camera look at points of interest.
  14. V

    Driving Skycar on Unity terrain get's stuck

    FIXED This was an issue with the hierarchy of my 'Abililties' Drive was being interrupted I think, perhaps by 'fall'!
  15. V

    Driving Skycar on Unity terrain get's stuck

    ----UPDATE Ok so I've discovered it's not the car but pretty sure my character's capsule colllider or other body colliders perhaps... Should player's collider be disabled when entering car or something with rigid body perhaps? It's a custom character 1.5 years in the making, has a lot of...