Recent content by Sanjay

  1. S

    Collide with multiple object at once(same frame)?

    It seems OnTriggerEnter2D and behaviour tree tick occures different timing. Is it okay to put all the code what I want to do at the moment collision in the OnTriggerEnter2D method directly inside the new task rather than return collision gameobjects and treat them in the behaviour tree?
  2. S

    Collide with multiple object at once(same frame)?

    It seem HasEnteredTrigger2D task only returns one gameobject at once. How can I handle multiple gameobjects collide at the same time?
  3. S

    Problem with OnTriggerEnter2D

  4. S

    Problem with OnTriggerEnter2D

    Hi, I have a problem with OnTriggerEnter2D I added Debug.Log in the 'HasEnteredTrigger2D' like below and expected see a log message. 'A' shows me a log message. No log message with 'B', 'C', 'D'. I think 'HasEnteredTrigger2D' is reevaluating all 4 cases. What am I wrong?