Recent content by MarkusKer

  1. MarkusKer

    Surround task not updating agent rotation after reached destination

    The problem exists in a clean project with updated packages as well. I can send a download link to the project. I set up a test scene where the target is animated to reproduce the issue. The target will move once the agent reaches it. At that point the rotation will be messed up, causing the...
  2. MarkusKer

    Surround task not updating agent rotation after reached destination

    Hello, to me it looks like the surround behavior tree task stops updating the agent rotation after reaching the destination. After the destination is changed to another location the agents moves without updating the rotation according to the navmash agent's direction. I was able to trace it back...
  3. MarkusKer

    tactical pack: surround task blocking execution from behavior tree.

    I have traced it back to the navmeshtacticalgroup script. it seems to fail at this line: if (Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, targetRotation) < AttackAgent.AttackAngle()) The AttackAgent does not seem to be assigned, causing the null reference error.
  4. MarkusKer

    tactical pack: surround task blocking execution from behavior tree.

    I am sorry, it looks like the tree has stopped working because the surround task failed at the following task: if (tacticalAgent.RotateTowardsPosition(tacticalAgent.TargetTransform.position)) The values tacticalAgent.TargetTransform.position and tacticalAgent are not empty.
  5. MarkusKer

    tactical pack: surround task blocking execution from behavior tree.

    Hello, I reverted to using the unity navmesh agent instead of a*pathfinding using the surround task for the behavior tree. However, the rest of the tree is only executing if the surround task is not finished. As soon as the agent moves, the rest of the tree starts executing again. I am using a...
  6. MarkusKer

    A*Pathfinding surround task is setting destination outside of the graph

    For anyone facing this issue, I have added the following line of code to the "surround" script at "OnUpdate" after the destination gets set and the detour part. this should return the next best nearest point on the navmesh: destination = (Vector3)
  7. MarkusKer

    A*Pathfinding surround task is setting destination outside of the graph

    Hello, it seems like the surround task is setting destinations outside of the graph. The AI is unable to get to the destionation. Regards, Markus
  8. MarkusKer

    Tactical agent: stop the agent from traveling to the other side of the circle through the center using the surround task

    The solution is to use a recast graph and the mesh-cut script attached to the player. The agent won't be able to travel near the player.
  9. MarkusKer

    Tactical agent: stop the agent from traveling to the other side of the circle through the center using the surround task

    I visualized the destination from the detour which is in a clear line from the leader across the target. I am not sure if it should not be at the height ot the target.
  10. MarkusKer

    Tactical agent: stop the agent from traveling to the other side of the circle through the center using the surround task

    As far as I can tell the surround task has lines of codes that should prevent this. However, the agents seem to cross way too narrow to the target. Is there a way to make the agent circle around the size of the circle instead of in between the target and other agents? Sort of traveling at a...
  11. MarkusKer

    Surround Task Changing Leader Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and Warning "Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

    The issue got resolved to set a target group instead of the tag. My guess is, that searching for tags takes longer than the task to start.
  12. MarkusKer

    Surround Task Changing Leader Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and Warning "Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

    The Null Reference Exception on the tactical agent seems to be caused by the "attackAgent" being null.
  13. MarkusKer

    Surround Task Changing Leader Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and Warning "Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

    I could trace it back to the "CenterAttackPosition" function of the "tacticalgroup". With breakpoints and logs, I can tell that there are sometimes no target transforms resulting in the position vector being zero. this does not happen every time. I even tried setting the target with a game...
  14. MarkusKer

    Surround Task Changing Leader Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and Warning "Look rotation viewing vector is zero"

    I have set breakpoints and added debug.log to check if both the leader and the following agent get added to the group. I can see that both are added right after one another. after the following agent is added I get the "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" Log and the agent stops moving. The...